October 1, 2014

What I Learned in September

I can't believe it's already October. I haven't even put out a single pumpkin yet!

That means it's time to share what I've learned over the past month. Here we go! 

1. I have officially outgrown all of my pre-baby dresses.
And oh, I'm not pregnant in case you're wondering. I just gained weight... unless my dresses have magically shrunk, I suppose. 

2. I have the best luck at Old Navy's clearance section.
So, I'm going to a wedding this weekend and didn't have a dress to wear. Then I found this cute summer dress at Old Navy for $16 on the clearance rack. I always find something cute at their clearance aisle. I didn't want to spend much on a dress I may not wear often, so this was perfect! 

I decided to add a belt I already had and my mother's vintage Gucci for more formal look. 

$16 Old Navy dress + belt + vintage Gucci purse

I might wear this Elie Tahali jacket for the ceremony,

With Elie Tahali Jacket

and maybe this 15 years old pashmina for the reception. Do people still wear pashmina or is it a bit too old school?

With the pashmina

3. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle {Plato}
Sometimes people who seem to be doing well are the ones who are going through the most. I've also learned not to compare what I'm going through on the inside with what others are showing on the outside.

Would you be extra kind to the people you encounter today? Would you also treat yourself with kindness and care? Because we all have our own challenges to overcome. 

4. First grade = Lots of homework (= Lots of work for this mama)
Do your kids bring home a lot of homework? My first grader does quite a bit. Definitely more than I expected. Me no like-y too much homework-y. 

What's your experience with your child's homework? What do you think is the right amount of homework? I'd love to know!

5. Pirate's Booty is like the most popular snack among kids.
And I knew nothing about it until this month. It all started when my preschooler had it for snack at school. He can't stop talking about it ever since. Then my first grader told me that's his favorite snack, too. I guess I have a lot of catching up to do...

image via snacksafety.com

Yes, my kids are hooked on you, Pirate's Booty.

Now it's your turn. What did you learn in September?

* * *
Today, I'm sharing with Emily at chatting at the sky


  1. Very pretty dress Yuko! I haven't heard of Pirates Booty, will go google it.

    1. Thanks Gam! PB is supposed to be a healthier version of cheese puffs, with natural ingredients. Teachers at school seem to like it :)

  2. Oh I love your dress and the belt and purse look great with it. I love shopping at Old Navy also!

    1. Thanks Alicia! Their skinny jeans, summer dresses and maternity clothes my favorites :) xx

  3. I think my favorite is the dress with the jacket! Also because it'll be cool this weekend! Loveeeeeeee the vintage Gucci.

    1. I had no idea it was going to be chilly this weekend. Okay, I'll go with the jacket ;) I love that Gucci too - the best part is I got it from my Mom :)

    2. and I remember the time she used to use it when I was a little girl (I thought it was the ugliest purse in the world back then...)

  4. You're such a class act, Yuko! Wow! You'll be gorgeous in that little dress with that wonderful bag of your mom's ...

    I love it when people can so effortlessly pull bits from here and there and look so classy!


  5. dear yuko that dress and the accessories you chose are so pretty. i personally love the pashmina. i think people do still wear them...well lets hope they do b/c i know i wore them this summer at the bowl. hot days and chilly nights are perfect pashmina weather if you ask me. also, thank you for your kind comments you have left on my blog. i too am glad i've gotten to know you too.


    ps - i didn't much like homework when i was in school and i esp didn't like it when my boys brought home tons of it.

    1. I enjoyed reading your feedback on the pashmina! Glad I'm not the only one who's unhappy about too much homework :) xx

  6. I love how you have teamed the dress up with things you already had and got three different looks - whichever way you wear it will look great! Homework in first grade? No! Never heard of Pirates Booty. Loved catching up with what you learned in September.

    1. Thank you, Teresa! Yes - no to hw in first grade, haha! Pirates booty is actually quite tasty (and healthier than other cheese puffs). You might want to give it a try :)
