September 27, 2014

When I Need Inspiration

When I need inspiration,
I create
something, anything, without a goal or purpose in mind. 

Book page covered canvas + Japanese Magnolia | still in progress

It may not be necessarily fruitful, but it's okay. This helps me slow down and take a deep breath.

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When I need inspiration,
I take a long walk, alone
with my camera in my hand. 

The crisp and fresh air helps me lift up my spirit.

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When I need inspiration,
I decorate 
with the things I found on my walk and in the yard. 

I like it simple, not fussy, but full of texture.

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When I need inspiration,
I turn to the internet
because there are so many brilliant and generous people out there who are willing to inspire others with their gifts.

Belgian Style Living Rooms by Greet Lefèvre 
Belgian design is simplicity at its best. Greet explains how to create beautiful Belgian style in your own home. 

It's Fall Time, The Barn is ready, and I Want You to Come Here! by Myquillyn Smith 
Myquillyn and her family have turned the world's worst barn into the world's prettiest barn. This gives you hope for your home and for your still yet to be achieved dreams.

Working With : Leather Furniture by Emily A. Clark.
If you have a house full of brown furniture like I do, and still want to make your home light, airy and modern, Emily is the girl for you. 

ORC | Trademarking | Original Ideas by Linda {Calling it Home}
Linda challenges us to be original and be confident with our own ideas. She challenges us to be a game changer instead of a follower. I needed to hear this this week. 

This short video by Emily P. Freeman
Some days, as a mother of two little boys, I wonder if I need to choose either my responsibilities as a parent or my passion. There simply isn't enough time and energy for both. If you feel this way like I do, this video is for you. Watching this made me cry. 

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Hope your weekend is full of inspiring moments and bright sunshine. 


  1. and you give me inspiration when I come to call.

    and I love that little desk.

    weekend joys ...


    1. The desk is a gift from my mother-in-law. We share the love for antiques :) Have a wonderful weekend, Linda.

  2. I think it's nice that you decorate with things you find on your walks. I will have to try that. I always feel like adding organic elements to your home bring it to life. By the way I love your little desk. It is so cute.

    1. I think my love for decorating with natural elements goes back to my childhood. We used seasonal fruits and crops to celebrate and decorate for many seasonal celebrations :-)

  3. I seek inspiration in many of the same places. Like you, I'm often most inspired by nature. I look for plays of color and texture, and how it changes in the light. Haha I also obsessively look at people's hair! Sometimes I will look through magazines (the older the better) and flag things that hold up as timeless. Be it hair, clothing, interiors, or even cars!

    1. I've never thought of going through old magazines for inspiration - great idea! I haven't got my hair done in such a long time. I wish you could come over and trim my hair! xx

  4. Love your many sources of inspiration Yuko! It's lovely to bring bits of nature inside isn't it?
