May 28, 2014

Me and My Piano | This is where I start

This is where I am today with my piano

You can also watch the video Here

It's been 19 years since I really practiced it. You can see I'm quite rusty right now. But I'm hopeful that I will only get better from here.

What do you think will happen if I practice 30 minutes a day, starting today? 

We will find out.


  1. Fantastic Yuko! You are so good, how many years did you take lessons? I'm so impressed you played without any music in front of you - that is all stored up in your head! I don't think you need to set a rule of 1/2 hour a day, but just play when you feel like it and when you squeeze in the time. It's wonderful to hear you play, how special for your husband and children!

    1. Thanks Gam! I took lessons for about 14 years until I was 17. It's a great stress relief :)

  2. Oh my. 19 years? What an incredible gift you've been given. And that you've shared this with us ... I feel so honored and blessed to have gotten to know you better through your music.

    Grateful I am.

    1. Thanks Linda! I thought it may be fun to share my progress on the blog. I better go practice now :)

  3. Wow, woman! having struggled through piano lessons for 7 years during elementary and middle school, never really mastering playing both hands together, i can tell that you have retained both the muscle memory and the actual notes that years of practicing brings. that was beautiful, even in its raw state.

    you know what else struck me immediately? your husband LOVES you a lot! he is so proud of you, even when you're thinking that you're rusty and want to hide behind your hands. he sees YOU behind those flying fingers, and he wants to you to nurture your soul.

    yay for starting again, picking up where you left off!

    1. :-) Thank you Jenn. Piano was a big part of my childhood and I'm not sure why I stayed away from it for so long. It sure feels great to get back to it though. And you're right. My husband must really love me - he tolerates with my temper and quirkiness :)

  4. So, this was wonderful! My husband, who is a classically trained pianist said, considering it had been 19 years your Chopin is pretty good and you have a smooth touch on the piano. Coming from him (he tends to be a perfectionist for himself as well as others) that is a great compliment! He said 30 minutes a day should get you in good shape. So glad you shared this. I loved watching - you put your whole self into the music and it is evident that you love it. Something that moves you that much should be part of every day. Please share if you do more videos.

    1. Thank you Teresa! I have a long way to go, but this time I'm truly enjoying the process of relearning. Please extend my thanks to your husband. I will be sharing again.

  5. This is wonderful! I wouldn't ever have the courage to put a video of myself on YouTube! I so wish I had some musical talent.

    1. Thanks Stephen! You are talented in many ways - you're such an inspiration to me. It was so much fun to put together a youtube video.
