March 7, 2014

Mid Century Credenza Re-styled : Where to shop when budget is limited

I just restyled the mid century credenza in our library/office space.

When I styled the antique commode in our guest bedroom, I brought the Hollywood Regency gilt mirror from our foyer to hang above the commode. We didn't have any mirror in the foyer for a month and we found it quite inconvenient. You know, you want to make sure you don't have a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth before leaving the house.

I ended up moving the trumeau mirror above the mid century credenza to the foyer. Now we don't have to worry about spinach in our teeth anymore. One problem solved.

Then the empty space above the credenza started to drive me crazy. That was one of a few "pretty corners" we had in our house, and I missed the pretty corner. I think it makes a big difference to your happiness level when you have some areas of the house styled pretty even though the rest of the house is still unfinished. Or is it just me? 

Putting a home together is a process especially when you are financially limited.

Having a few pretty areas in your home gives you hope you need in order to stay focused and move forward.

So, I shopped the house and gathered the things that would work for this space. The corn-husk wreath came from the foyer, and the antique wooden bowl formerly held bread in the kitchen. My nude oil painting finally found its home (It was sitting in a closet.) The total I spent on this update: $6 for the two small moss balls. 

Is there a space in your home that is begging to be updated? You can do this, too. Go ahead, shop the house and see what you can come up with. That picture frame that's been sitting in your closet. That vase your aunt gave you for your wedding and never been used. You may be surprised you already have plenty of pretty things to decorate with. Along the way, you can always donate things you are not in love with, and purchase a thing or two as you need them. This is the process of refining your style as well as your possessions.

Have a lovely weekend! 


  1. It's fun to bring new life into unused things. I have a substantial archive I've collected to "shop" when I'm ready to change things. Of course it's dangerous for me because I am prone to adding to and supplementing. Especially with my china. Haha I am never satisfied until I have service for 12 but better is service for 20. looooves me. I'm trying to get better about mixing and matching what I already have. Your buffet looks great. I agree that even in chaos having some "perfect" spaces are so important.

  2. Thanks, Stephen. You probably need a collection of china to entertain many people ;) I love the idea of mixing and matching! I think it adds charm to a table setting.

  3. The update looks so good, Yuko! I too, am a stay-at-home Mom, on a budget who LOVES decorating! I just did a little rearrange in my kitchen and on my patio today, and I love it! I shopped my own house and was amazed at what I can do with what I have, with my own Ideas. I recently found and this lady is transforming me and my home. Thanks for your inspiration as well, I love your style!

    1. Thanks, Deni! Decorating on a budget is a challenge, but that makes us more creative! I will have to check out the flylady website. Sounds very inspiring :)

  4. I like Stephen's idea of having an archive hidden away if you have the storage space. Sometimes it's easy to to get visually tired of things, but stash them away and it can be fun to rediscover them and use them in a new way. The buffet looks really great Yuko, love that lamp.

    1. Thanks, Gam! And yes, that's exactly what I do, too:) I keep all of my decorating goodies in one box, so they won't spread all over the house.
