December 2, 2014

One Year Blog-versary and Shop Announcement!

One year ago today, I started this blog.  

(Well, it was technically yesterday, because it's already passed midnight here - zoinks!) 

I titled this blog, northfield gate (the name of our street), as a place for me to share my creative pursuits.

I was so lost in the midst of wonderful yet messy motherhood at the time, and this blog became the catalyst for finding my true self again through creativity. Along the way, I rediscovered my passion for art and storytelling, and I also found joy in decorating our home.

It all started here At the Barn event hosted by Emily Freeman and her family a little over a year ago. 

At the Barn in NC

You want to know how exactly I started this blog? While at the barn event, I was talking with Emily's sister, Myquillyn, the nester and she asked me if I had a blog. I told her that I had a blogger account but it had been sitting there for almost a year because I couldn't get up my nerve to start a blog. Then we both burst into laughter, because if you really think about it, it sounds absolutely ridiculous.

It was the moment I realized that my fear was keeping me from doing something I'd really wanted to do. A few days later and after much thinking and strong coffee, I wrote my first blog post ever and pressed the publish button with my trembling hand. 

And a year flew by so quickly, and I've enjoyed every moment of it. I've met some amazing people online and I've learned so many new things.

After a year of much creating and learning, I could not be more thrilled to announce the opening of our online shop, Studio Yuko Jones!

My husband, Steve, and I have put countless hours into it, and I can't get over that it's really happening. I'm so excited and anxious at the same time!!

We will have over 10 different art prints and several originals to start the shop, and we're going to expand along the way.

Here is a sneak peek of some of the prints we've prepared. This is exactly how they would look like when printed, minus the watermark, of course.

I had so much fun creating the "illustration" type of art. Aren't these pieces so sweet? I feel like I'm moving one stop closer to my dream of writing and illustrating children's books. Life is good!

We're going to have a giveaway on the opening day, so stay tuned!

This year has brought me so much joy and I've learned so much. I can't wait to see what the next year will bring.


  1. Happy anniversary!!! Thanks for all your lovely posts, Yuko! I've enjoyed all your projects, and congrats on your shop as well. Cheers to many more ~

    1. Thank you so much, Loi! I've had a great time sharing my projects here. I've enjoyed getting to know you through your beautiful blog this year :) xoxo

  2. Yay! I've enjoyed your blog so much. I always love seeing your gorgeous artwork. You have such a keen eye and create special art. Looking forward to your shop!

    1. Thank you, Stephen!!! I'm so grateful for our friendship and your support throughout the year. I still remember the day you used to be the only one who commented on my brand new blog :) Wishing you a lovely holiday season xoxo

  3. oh the ice cream cone, THE ICE CREAM CONE!

    just too incredible!

    i've gotta go check out your first post. don't you love how God evolves our gifts and talents!

    just so wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Linda!! You're right, evolve is the right word for it. It's been an amazing journey so far! xoxo

  4. I will be hanging on to the edge of my seat awaiting your store's arrival. I'm sure it will be spectacular! Happy blogiversary :-)

  5. Congratulations on your blog-versary and your soon to be opened etsy store!

  6. Dear Yuko,

    Congratulations on your blog-versary, and I hope all goes well for you in everything. Lovely post.
