December 8, 2014

New in the Shop + Embroidery Hoops for Decorating

Happy Monday, everyone! 

I'm finally done uploading all the original artwork and art prints to my Etsy shop. It took me forever to do it, but I'm happy how my shop looks like now!

I put the art prints that resonates with my shop image the most in the first two rows (you'll see I'm a persimmon orange type of girl), and my other favorites come below. I'm selling most of my originals too, except the ones I've gifted to others. 

My latest additions are the two of my very favorite original drawings.
Captivating no. 2
Captivating no.1

It's sad to see them go (well, I guess they're not gone until someone buys them!), but it's also a great feeling to let them go and move forward. That's exactly why I wanted to start my own shop to begin with, so I think I'm doing a good job accomplishing my goal :) 

They are priced higher than other originals, but you can use the 15% off coupon code for these originals too (now that's a big discount! no?)

* * *
Now my shop is all set up, it's time for me to take care of our home. My house turned into complete chaos over the past two weeks while I was a busy bee preparing to open my shop. I'm finally ready to do some deep cleaning and decorate for Christmas! 

Michele at My Notting Hill just posted lots of inspiration photos for Christmas decor, and reading her post got my wheels turning! 

This year, I'm thinking about using some embroidery hoops. I think they'll add the right amount of whimsy and fun to my holiday decor. My Instagram friend and super talented Kim offers some lovely pieces at her Etsy shop that are perfect for Christmas, or any time of year.

Here are a few of my favorites:

All the images from KimArt on Etsy
Kim's work is absolutely beautiful and her pricing is very reasonable. The question is, which one should I get? I like so many of them! You can see the rest of her collection Here.

Have you started decorating yet?


  1. I like the hoop ideas. Those designs are both homey and modern at the same time :)

    1. Yes, that's exactly why I like the idea! You can put a modern twist to it, yet it still remains homey :) Thanks for stopping by! x

  2. I'm so behind on decorating at home! Christmas has crept up on me! Congratulations again on your shop!

    1. Haha - I was going to start decorating this week, and I thought I was still ahead on decorating (according to my standard, any way!) Can't wait to see how you're going to decorate for the season!

  3. Congratulations on your shop! You are so talented.

  4. Gorgeous drawings! I love them! The embroidery is super cute as well! x Ritu
