November 8, 2014

What Do You Think?

Hello everyone! 

Did you notice some of the changes I've made on the blog lately? This blog is currently undergoing a major overhaul.  

Okay, it's probably not that major, but it sure feels that way. 

I now have a menu bar under the banner, although they are not linked to any pages yet. On the right sidebar, you can find social media buttons where you can connect with me outside of this blog. My husband, Steve, has been working on making those changes, and I can't be grateful enough. He's my hero!

I just created my Instagram account and facebook page a couple of days ago, so they are still in their infancy. But I'm looking forward to growing them and growing with them, and I hope you'll be part of this exciting journey. 

I'm going to make a few more changes on the blog over the weekend as part of Blogging Your Way course I've been taking. It's been a little overwhelming to do this much in such a short amount of time. But then, I have to remind myself that change is good.

I just have to remember to pace myself a little, slow down and take a deep breath.

* * *
Today, I have something I wanted to ask you. 

If you've noticed, there is a link on the menu bar that says "shop." I've been thinking about selling my artwork, both originals and some prints on Etsy. 

The truth is, holding onto the finished artwork is keeping me from becoming a better artist. Instead of cherishing and marveling what I've already done, I want to push myself and try something new.

I'll be honest. It probably won't be easy for me to let many of them go, but I don't want to stay where I am today. I want to be the best artist that I can be. And I believe that my best is yet to come. 

I'm also interested in creating more pieces that I can turn into prints, like this one.

I think it will be a fun way to practice illustrations for my children's book project

So, what do you think? Is selling my artwork online a good idea or not so good? Any thoughts or encouragement? I'm curious. 

In the meantime, let's hang out here:
Pinterest - @yukojones
Like my Facebook page?
Instagram (I only have a few photos, haha!) - @studioyukojones

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh wow, Yuko. You're expanding our borders. I'm so excited watching it all happen. Thanks for sharing the steps of your creative journey with us. It really is cool to see this all unfold ...

    1. Hi Linda - thank you for your support! It's been a lot of work, but I'm having fun with it :)

  2. Yuko,
    You are such a talented artist - WOW! Definitely a good idea to market and sell your artwork. And the blog looks great - very clean.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you so much, Loi! I'm going to tweak the blog design a little more, but I'm getting there :) Have a lovely weekend! xx

  3. I think it's great that you're going to sell your artwork! It is beautiful and so unique. I usually do my blog reading on my phone while I'm waiting between clients. I'll have to get on my iPad and see the new design! Glad you're enjoying your class so much. And how wonderful that your husband is so actively supportive of your blog! It's so nice to have help with the technological aspect of blogging.

    1. Thanks Stephen! My husband used to be an IT guy, and he's been able to help me with a lot of the technological stuff. I'd be totally lost without him. You should be able to see the new design on your iPad - hope you like it! :) Have a wonderful weekend xx

  4. It is absolutely a good idea! Your work is beautiful and you should put it out there.

  5. You are a very talented artist. I believe that listing/showing your art for sale is a great idea. It will be such an encouraging and learning experience when you go ahead and take the leap to show and sell your artwork and discover how well it will be received.

    Best of luck with all of your new endeavors!

    Susie D.

    1. Thank you so much, Susie! I have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but I'm finally ready to move forward :)

  6. It looks great, Yuko. Love the new name and banner especially! X

    1. Thank you, dear Bex! It was a lot of work to create the banner from scratch using photoshop, but it was worth it!

  7. Yuko, your art is AMAZING! Yes, sell, sell, sell! Love the look of the blog too. Great job!

  8. I think this is a brilliant idea Yuko - nothing ventured nothing gained!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Gam. I needed it :) x

  9. Hi Yuko, you did a beautiful job translating your revised mood board into your blog layout- love it!

  10. Yes, absolutely see your artwork online! You've featured one of my favorite pieces. I also really like your new photo - it captures your personality better :)

    1. Thank you Michele! And yes, my new photo feels more like myself :)

  11. Your blog is looking great and I think it is an awesome idea to sell your artwork. You are so talented and your work is great!!
