October 22, 2014

What I've been up to lately

It's been a while since I last posted, but I'm still here!

Since I publicly announced my dreams and where my heart is right now in the previous post (am I the only person who does this?), I thought this might be a good time to reflect on my goals and restructure my life in general, including this blog. 

I've been a stay-at-home mom over the past six years and I am now transitioning into a new phase: work-at-home mom! I still want to be a full time mom when the boys are around, so most of my creative work needs to be done while they are at school and before they wake up in the morning. 

I'm so excited about this transition and I wanted to make this experience the best possible. So I decided to take a blog course that will help me embark on a new phase of life, and it's been an amazing experience to say the least.

I want to blog with purpose and I want this place to be the catalyst for my creative endeavor. I couldn't ask for a better teacher than Holly Becker of decor8 to help me achieve my goals. 

decor8 e-courses

This blog course has truly been a blessing to me because I'm learning literally everything I needed to know from Holly and her fellow instructor, Fiona Humberstone. They are entrepreneurs in their own creative fields and they're generous about sharing their expertise and wisdom with us students. I love that their main focus is how to build a creative business based on your passion, instead of how to build your blog audience. Building an audience is well, of course important, but that shouldn't be the drive. 

I write this blog because I want to share what I'm passionate about with other people. And turning my passion into a career may not be easy, but I'm going to give it a shot.

So far, I've learned how to write a knock-out bio (which is coming soon on the blog!), how to brand a creative business using the color psychology and more. Later, they'll talk about storytelling for bloggers, and as you probably know I'm all about storytelling! I can't wait for the next lesson. 

I really needed to restructure the foundation before moving forward on this journey, so I'm feeling great about this extra step I'm taking right now. It's also so much fun to learn something new.

Have you taken any classes to learn something new lately? 


  1. Oh, the blog coach in me is loving your story, Yuko! Especially building your online space based on your passion. Numbers and stats and lists can be so overrated and a such a shallow measuring stick.

    I just can't wait to see how this evolves! I love it here with you ...


    1. Me too! I have no idea where exactly I'm headed, but but I'm really excited about it :)

  2. Good luck Yuko! I already love what you have to offer. It will be interesting too see how the course further strengthens your blogging.

    1. Thanks! The course has been great so far. I'll let you know how it goes :)

  3. I look forward to the changes Yuko, sounds like you are really determined to make progress! :)

    1. Thanks Gam! It may take a little while, but the changes will come :)

  4. I love Holly and kudos to you for choosing to learn more about the art of blogging. Authenticity and passion are two very important criteria for a successful blog. Looking forward to seeing what you do.

    1. Authenticity and passion - I will have to remember them :) Thank you, Stacey, for your encouragement xx
