October 28, 2014

My First Mood Boards Ever!

Happy Tuesday! 

I tried something new over the weekend and I'm so excited that I couldn't wait to share it with you: 
I made my very first mood boards - three of them - using Photoshop for the first time (!) 

Learning the very basics of Photoshop impromptu was a little tricky, but my husband (ex-IT guy) gave me a quick lesson and that really helped. 

This was part of the blog course I'm taking right now, and I was supposed to identify my seasonal personality and create a board that reflects the aesthetics I want for my blog. 

And these are the three boards I came up with. I'm hoping you can help me decide which one suits me the best :)

no. 1
This is the first board I created. I really like the overall tones, but I wasn't sure about the pale yellow.

no. 2
I eliminated the pale yellow from the above board and added teal and more golden mustard to give it a little more Autumn feel.

no. 3
And I had to make the third one just of course. I really like this palette too.

I want this blog to feel Creative + Imaginative + Inspirational + a little Nostalgic when you come to visit here.

I've been working on honing my writing voice for almost a year now (and still in progress - it's a lot of work!). But this is the first time I'm actually paying attention to the visual aspect of this place. I'm hoping to connect the visual aesthetics with my writing voice, and have them carry the messages in a cohesive way.

So, what do you think? Which board carries those messages the best? Which one do you prefer?

I'd love to know what you think. 

* * *
no.1: From top left clockwise: Feather + flowers {La Dolce Vita} , Tablescape {LJ Designs}, Mustard {Design Seeds}, Spread love quote, Coffee sign {Clement Coffee}, Succulent {Source Unknown}, Color Palette {The Perfect Palette}, Green lemonade (hello naomi}, Dream quote, Eggs {Martha Stewart}, Flowers {Reverie Design}.

no.2: Tablescape {Lauren Brooks}, Scarf {Nothernly},Teal succulents {Abby Powel},
Color Palette {The Perfect Palette}.

no.3: From top left clockwise: Succulents + flowers {Source Unknown}, Feathers {A well traveled woman}, Tangerine {Design Seeds}, Eucalyptus (Source Unknown}, Flowers in wood box {100 Layer Cake}, Color Palette {Source Unknown}, Sage Table Setting {rip + tan}, Shoes {Mod Cloth}, Purse {The Perfect Palette}, Bonjour {Montana Rose Painter}. 


  1. Oh gosh!!! Where do you begin, Yuko? One is more fabulous than the next!

    There's so much detail in each, such incredible nuance, and style style style. I'm simply wowed at your artistic talent, girl.

    I just can't wait to see what evolves here. I am cheering you on!


    1. Thanks Linda! This is my main focus (obsession) for the next 2 weeks until the course ends. So much fun and so much to do!!

  2. Hello again :) I like how you added more teal with the succulents in number 2, definitely feels warmer than number 1. Now that you've added a nostalgia to your overall feel, that sways my vote to number 3. Great options!

    1. Thank you so much SarahRose! I made some changes to the original with your suggestion in mind, and in love how it turned out. Then I made the third one and I love it too! Thank you for your feedback xx

  3. There's a hint of nostalgia in number three and I like softness of the colours as well so I'll vote for #3. They are all beautiful Yuko, what a fun project!

    1. Oohhh another number three! I think having a hint of nostalgia is important because of the stories I share here on the blog. Thank you Gam for your vote! xo

  4. You know my vote, Yuko! I think number three has the edge, but they are all wonderful!
    I can't wait to see how you use them to influence the design of your blog. So exciting! x

    1. Thanks Bex! As you know, you inspired me to create the third one. xx

  5. When it comes to nostalgic appearance, I would go with °3. I like the warm colours and I look forward to see how you apply them on your blog :-)

    1. Thank you Sabrina! You're right - looking at those warm colors makes me feel cozy and a bit nostalgic :)

  6. #3, without a doubt! It feels more versatile, topic-wise. The first two represent more of an "entertaining" direction, to me (not that there's anything wrong with that : ) I love that you are open about your process as you are moving forward here. Your sincerity makes your blog very enjoyable to visit.

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback, Paula! I try to be as honest as possible here on the blog, and I'm so glad to hear that you feel that way :)

  7. All three are very nice, but #3 was my favorite. It seems to me like each of the images shown in #3 have more of the feel of your blog. Paula put it very well when she referred to an "entertaining" direction". That was the feeling I had about #1 and #2, also. It is interesting and inspiring to see how you are developing the aesthetic of your site.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time Susie! I see what you and Paula mean by "entertaining" and it may not be fitting to my blog :) This was one of the assignments I did for the blog course I'm taking right now and it's been wonderful. And I've also learned that I LOVE using Photoshop! xx

  8. I like #3 best - it seems the most unique and different from typical moldboards. I think you channeled more of yourself in the 3rd one. Love the feathers in it!

    1. Thank you Michele! I like the texture of the feather too :) I know you've read many of my personal stories and it's great to get your feedback on this xx

  9. When I compared them, I ruled out #1 immediately because it didn't feel warm enough or nostalgic enough. I didn't analyze the pictures, just the feel. I liked 2 the best personally, but I really think you captured your style in terms of color and the elements and the aesthetic best with #3.

    1. Yes, overall feeling is what's important, but not necessarily the details because those images are just examples. You've been reading my stories from the very beginning and know me well, Jenn. I'm so grateful you gave me your feedback! xx

  10. They are all lovely Yuko, but for sure #3 steals the show! Superb job!! I hope you have an amazing weekend and thanks for the lovely comments. xx

    1. Hi Stacey! I really enjoy your beautiful blog. Thank you for taking the time to vote :)

  11. #3 for sure. If you compared it side by side to most of your art (featured on the blog), the palettes would match quite closely!

    1. You're the man of insight, Stephen. I never thought that the board would go side by side with my art. I obviously don't know myself well enough. I wouldn't know what to do without you!

  12. I popped over from your latest post to see all the mood boards. I love them all, but I too think #3 best reflects what I've picked up about you from reading over the past year. Whatever direction you go with your blog will be beautiful. Your writing too!

    1. Thank you Teresa! Yes, I decided to go with #3 and it feels right. I appreciate your feedback :)

  13. You have a distinct style coming through. I like the first one but agree it has a distinctly springtime feel!
