August 5, 2014

The Sweetest Fig | New Art

Thirteen summers ago, I came to America with two large suitcases full of dreams. It was a five minute decision that I made to study abroad and explore the world. Little did I know it was going to change my life forever. I was 23. 

Fast forward six years, summer of 2007, I was in Honolulu getting ready to tie the knot with the man of my dreams. While our guests relaxed their tired limbs from a long trip on the sandy beach, Steve and I drove around the city taking care of the final details of our destination wedding. Soon it was time to pick up my parents at the airport who had just arrived. When was the last time I spent time with them, I wondered. I hurried to the luggage claim with my anticipation quickening my pace. I was 29. 

Three summers ago, I knew our life would soon be busier than ever with a new addition to our family. I was getting our home ready for the impending arrival of my second son, while my mother helped me watch our toddler. The hospital bag had been packed, collecting dust by our bedroom door for nearly two weeks. "Today might be the day. Be ready," I whispered to myself. I was 33. 

Last summer, my boys and I spent six weeks in Japan with my family. It had been four years since our last visit, and it was my youngest son's first time to meet his great grandmother. 

I will never forget the smile on my grandmother's face when the boys gave her a hug. 

One morning, my parents took us to pear picking at a local farm. We filled our baskets with fragrant pears and peaches right from the trees. The boys stuffed themselves with blueberries they just picked from the bushes, with stains all over their mouths. The owners of the farm offered us to try some of their freshly picked figs. It was round, fuzzy, and fit right in my palm.  

And it was the sweetest fig I'd ever tasted. I was 35.

As I drew a picture of the figs, I thought of the sweetest fig that nourished my soul last summer. The flavor of the summer's end fruit still lingers in my memories as a reminder of the different seasons of life I've walked through. 

So much has changed since I made the five minute decision. I left my family in Japan on a hot summer day thirteen years ago, and today I'm raising my own family here in America.

My heart belongs to two countries on the opposite sides of the world. I'm slowly learning to make peace with these two separate identities that I carry.

     The Sweetest Fig: Ink pen, soft pastel, acrylic on paper

Why are summer memories always so bittersweet?


  1. What a story. I just love the color in this piece! Absolutely beautiful. It's unbelievable how much our lives can change based on decisions we make in an instant. I'm so glad you were able to take your children to Japan last summer.

    1. Thanks Stephen! It was great we could spend some time with my family, especially with my grandmother (love her!). xx

  2. What a beautiful post! You were so brave to come to the US on a whim like that. Isn't it sweet when you create a piece of art and your heart is in it?

    1. Thank you Michelle! I love when art and story come together :) xx

  3. love hearing your story, Yuko ... and those figs?

    just . yummy .

    enjoy Tuesday!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Linda! Happy Tuesday! xx

  4. Beautiful thoughts Yuko, so very introspective. It's sort of scary how seemingly small decisions turn out to be very life altering - and there is no telling which ones will have the most impact. It's difficult to straddle cultures, both physically and in your heart.
    The figs! Beautiful.

    1. Thank you Gam. Living in two different cultures is not easy, but gives me a new/profound perspective on life :)

  5. I love how you drew us into this painting by sharing with us some memories that are etched on your mind. It was an excellent setup, and made me care more about the artwork than I would've if you had just shared, "here's a drawing I did of some figs." You know how to tell a story, Yuko. Keep good track of you or us memories. I think they're going to come into play when you write that children's book.

    1. Thank you, Jenn, for such encouraging words! I enjoy crafting stories. I'm taking a little break from my children's book project right now, but I plan on getting it back on track soon. xx

  6. Thank you, Yuko, for sharing your beautiful art. May I ask where the frame comes from? It is perfect for the art. Thanks, Francesca

    1. Hi Francesca!
      The frame is from the Room Essentials line from Target I purchased about a year ago. I just checked their website but couldn't find the same frame anymore. Perhaps you might want to see if your local Target still carries it? Hope this helps! xx


  7. Thank you for sharing your journey, in life and art. I really love your blog and look forward to coming back and reading your other posts.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit + comment. Your kind words means so much to me and inspires me to share more! Have a lovely weekend! xx
