August 11, 2014

Summer Tranquility

During summer, my days are filled with melty popsicles, squirt guns, building forts and knee scrapes. If I'm not careful, I can easily get overwhelmed during those busiest of days.

I yearn for simple moments that help me slow down and feel centered. 

Today, I wanted to share some of those moments I've been enjoying this summer.

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Baking a Peach and Creme Fraiche Pie

Watching the garlic flowers slowly dry.

Spotting a squash blossom in our vegetable garden and wondering if I should fry it.

A perfectly ripe peach and not sharing it with anyone.

Spending time with good books (or at least trying to do so).

Thank you, Linda | Creekside Ministries, for the book, Enough

A DIY art project

in the backyard while watching the boys play.

And this is how it looked like by the time I was done with my projects.

 * * *
During the midst of busy summer days, I collect those easy and slow moments that nourish my soul.

May your week be filled with many simple moments.


  1. You absolutely should fry it, if you have blossoms to spare! But stuff it with goat cheese and garlic first! That pie looks amazing.

    1. Goat cheese and garlic sounds wonderful. I was going use a tempura batter. What do you think?

    2. Definitely a good choice. Dust them in corn starch (if you have it) first. Will make them soo crisp.

    3. Yup, I got corn starch! Can't wait to try this. Thanks for the suggestions! x

  2. Oh YUM ... that gorgeous pie. I want to invite myself over.

    And then I scrolled down and saw the book ... and I just wanted to give you a huge.

    What a lovely sweet serendipity this afternoon!


    1. it should be the word HUG. but a huge hug says it, too!


    2. Thank you again for the book, Linda! A great book to add to my summer reading list! xx

  3. The long languid days of summer are really meant to be enjoyed aren't they? Sounds like you and your little ones are having a lovely summer.

    1. Yes, it's been busy yet fun. Have a wonderful rest of summer, Gam!

  4. Hi Yuko! Your backyard looks so lush and green...I'd love to spend time there myself! And that peach looks so luscious too, what a treat! (Maybe you can use a squirt gun to wash off your sticky hand?) And there's nothing like a good book. How wonderful to have such great blog-friends.
    Have a great Tuesday :)

    1. Love the idea of using a squirt gun to wash our hands! Perhaps I should use our sprinkler to have the boys take a shower :) And yes, I'm so blessed to have wonderful blog friends :)
