June 17, 2014

New Art | Captivating no. 1

I've been posting less this month. 

As the school year quickly winds down and with my husband's real estate business rapidly growing, there have been some changes in our routine.

I simply have less time to work on my projects.

But I managed to take some time for art today. Art always makes me feel centered. After several hours of immersing myself in creativity, I now feel refreshed. 

I'm thrilled how it turned out and couldn't wait to share it with you.

I started with a pencil drawing, and followed with a wash.

Then I took out my medium, dark, and white charcoal pencils and added some more shading and details.

Captivating no. 1: Ink pen, watercolor, charcoal on paper.


  1. Beautiful Yuko! Glad you managed to squeeze in time in your busy life. It can be hard to do can't it?

    1. Yes, it's been a bit challenging. But it's rewarding when I actually take the time to do something creative just for fun.

  2. sheer talent ... pure and simple. good to see you again!


  3. Wow...this is fantastic! i made a few cards Sunday morning; i know what you mean about creating art and its centering effect.

    1. Thanks Jenn! I find creating anything - from drawing, painting, baking dessert, or sitting at my piano for half an hour - very rewarding. It nourishes my soul. I'd love to see your handmade cards some time :)

  4. Lovely job! I love creating art for our walls either by myself or with friends! It makes it all the more special!

    1. Thanks Eddie! That's exactly why I started making art again, to decorate my walls. It's a great idea to create art with friends. I must try that :)

  5. Wow! It's amazing. Very beautiful art. Nice work.
    Things to do in Seattle
