April 10, 2014

How do you prioritize your time?

I've been thinking about this for a while, and this is something I haven't found the answer yet.  So, I'd like to ask: How do you create a lifestyle that allows you to do the things you are passionate about?

I'm currently staying at home to take care of my two little boys. It feels like a full time job just managing motherhood and things around the house, including cooking, laundry, and cleaning.

And if you're a working mom, I know this juggling act gets even more serious. You basically work full time during the day, and then only to come home to work on your second shift as a mom. No matter how tired you are after work, you can't afford to take a break. Your need to tend to your family's needs.

You'd stay up late to finish the laundry so that your child would have something clean to wear for school tomorrow. It's like we moms have no time to take a break.

But I know you don't have to be a mom to have a super busy lifestyle. We all have a lot going on in our lives and "slowing down" and "doing less" have become our daily mantras while we pursue a quality life.

So, when you have something you're passionate about, how do you make time for that? 

I've recently started working on my art, and I really enjoy seeing it blossom. I hope to develop that into my career, even though I have no idea what that really means. This blog has been a great place to share what I do and I'm excited about. But I have to admit that keeping a good balance between motherhood and following my passion has become challenging over the past few months. 

My dear friend Jenn once said, "time will appear when you prioritize your time." I think that's very true. What do you exactly do to prioritize your time though, while dealing with the growing demands around you? How do you carve out the time to do the things that you find fulfilling?  

Do you have any advice or tips that work for you? I'd love to know - I'm curious. Would you share them in the comments


  1. It feels like a full time job because it IS a full time job! When I was growing up, my mother wasn't very comfortable with babysitters. She had a select few she totally trusted, but they weren't always available. So often she would get a babysitter for my siblings and me but stay home and work on her projects. She didn't have to worry about us because she could keep an eye on what was going on, but the babysitter was there to take care of us for a few hours.
    My days are not all that full outside of work. Because my work has a start and finish, it doesn't really ever hang over my head. Where I have to be careful is not saying yes to too many things. A spiritual advisor might say I need to say yes way more, but I usually want the time to work on a project. But I have a hard time feeling guilty when I'm not paying attention to Barbie all the time...I can't imagine how hard it is to carve out time for yourself with two children. I think it is so wonderful that you're finding time to create beautiful art.

    1. I think your mother and I are so much alike when it comes to parenting. I never hire a baby sitter because I don't feel comfortable with a stranger watching my boys. I'm blessed to live so close to my mother- and sister-in-laws who are always willing to help us with the boys. I'm not good at saying "no" but I learned it's necessary if I want to have my own time. You're such a good parent to Barbie - she is one lucky pup!

  2. No matter what you decide I hope you'll be able to keep up with your creativity! What a gift!


    1. Thanks Linda! Yes, I'll keep going and keep sharing my projects here on the blog! ox

  3. i said that? :D what i meant is that we find time to do the thing we value, and if we have a hard time getting to do that thing, we have to take measures to make room for that activity. i am a morning person, so when i had a little guy at home, i would set my alarm at least 30-60 min. before his normal waking time so that i could have quiet--i read my Bible during that time, I prayed during that time, and
    i soaked in the silence during that time.

    now i have no son at home, but i still get up 90 min. before i have to be at work. why? because the things i value--showering, eating, reading, praying, easing into the day--are things i prioritize. i go to sleep early each night so that when that time i've prioritized appears, i'm rested enough to enjoy it.

    my dear friend Pam is the mother of 4 and a night owl. she often joked when the kids were little that if she had a company she would call it the "wee hours of the night" because those were the only hours she could get anything done without being interrupted. her kids are older now, but she still writes, crafts, tidies the house, reads, and relaxes during those hours. she prioritizes that time because that space in her day fuels her creativity.

    one last thing--know that this is a season. you will not pass this way again with these little guys, and what seems mundane and tedious will be something you'll long for one day. do what you can when you can, but do not wish away these years. your time will come--i promise.

    1. This is exactly what I wanted to know, Jenn ;) I think I'm a night owl, but I'd rather be a morning person if that's something I can change. I'm going to come up with a routine that works best for me and try to stick to it. And you're right. I need to make sure I enjoy this season of life. Thank you for sharing your perspective!

  4. Yuko, this is a hard one. Parenting is so important and so finding time to pursue your dreams. I agree with Jean, this portion of your life is just one chapter/season. There will be a lot of changes coming up and time to yourself will wax and wane. For now, I would carve out special time to keep your creativity alive. You may need to ask for help from your husband to pick up the slack, but it's important to find balance and not neglect yourself. You'll be a better parent if you meet your own needs as well as your children's.

    1. Having a supportive husband and mother-in-law really helps when pursuing a dream. I'm so lucky to have both of them in my life. I find myself happier when I have time to create and express myself. And you are right, Gam, my goal now is to keeping my creativity alive, rather than accomplishing something big. I need to keep that in my mind :)
