April 18, 2014

Egg-stra Random Friday Post

Happy Fry-day, everyone!

Two more days until Easter and my mind has been preoccupied with all things eggs. Today, I couldn't help but indulge myself with egg-straordinary (?) egg puns and jokes!  

image via Pinterest. Scott Hilburn

Haha! Love anything Dr. Seuss.

image via Pinterest. Help me source the original?

I was going to crack the egg and ended up smashing it. But it sure felt good smashing the egg.

2 Be Positive

And finally...

Mr. Barns by Me

I had a great time drawing Mr. Barns on the egg. Egg-cellent...

The fried egg in the first picture turned into my Fry-day brunch (okay, enough?)

I paired it with a slice of freshly baked bread from Wegmans' bakery, and baby spinach & kale salad. 

I enjoy having salad for lunch. I usually put together whatever the veggies I have in the refrigerator and whip up some homemade dressing. 

This time I used,
- Baby spinach
- Organic kale
- Tomato
- Celery
- Olive
- Feta cheese

For the dressing I whisked together the equal amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil, a few drops of apple cider vinegar (red wine vinegar works great, too) and salt and pepper. Toss the vegetables and dressing together and it's ready to serve.

Today, I also packaged my original artwork, Daughter of The Wind,  to be shipped to my dear friend, Joy.

When Joy told me she fell in love with this artwork and couldn't live without "her" (okay, I exaggerated a little), I knew this belongs to her. I'm so happy this goes to a good home. 

Good-bye Daughter of The Wind. I will miss you!

I was going to be less critical and be more positive during this season of Lent, but fasting criticism was much harder than I expected. I failed miserably. I guess I will have to continue working on this. Hopefully, some day, I'll get better at it. 

Happy Easter, Happy Passover, and Happy spring break, everyone! 

No matter where you live, where you are in life, what faith you may or may not have, may your weekend be filled with love and joy.

Have a egg-stra special weekend! 


  1. Haha I have a problem with obnoxiously making puns. I blame watching Sex and the City excessively in my formative years. Hope you have a lovely Easter as well!

    1. Haha! You read through the post! Don't ask me why, but I was in the mood for puns. I had fun writing this one! Happy Easter oxox

  2. Lent isn't about us succeeding or failing; it's about identifying with Christ's suffering, and you, in your wanting to fast from criticism but not succeeding IDENTIFIED with the frailties of life and the difficulties of being human. i'd say you succeeded, but that's really between you and God. btw, He never lets go of us. His commitment to us is UNWAVERING. Peter failed, Jesus KNEW He would fail, and yet HE comes TO him after His resurrection to restore him. Hallelujah, what a Savior!

  3. Well, I would still say I didn't do a good job when it comes to the nature of the practice, because I couldn't even remember to remember! But the more imperfect I am, the more my loving Father can work in me ;-) Happy Easter ox

  4. Too cute Yuko, make me smile! :)

    1. I know! I couldn't help it and loved doing it :) ox

  5. Haha, you should be a stand-up. Have a happy Easter!

    1. Haha! You're silly ;-) Hope you had a wonderful Easter as well!

  6. Such a talented woman you are Yuko. How sweet to share your beautiful artwork. Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter.


    1. Thank you for your kind words, Karen! We had a very nice Easter indeed. Hope yours was wonderful as well :-)
