April 4, 2014


What are your plans for this weekend?  

I started watching some episodes of The Office this week, and I'm now totally addicted to it! I can't believe I forgot how funny this show was. I can't wait to put my feet up on my chesterfield sofa after the boys go to sleep tonight and watch more episodes until I drop to sleep.

Anyway, I just finished the artwork I started last week. 


I'm not sure if it's completely done, but this is where it is right now. 

I started with a pencil drawing,

then a pen ink drawing and some wash.

Next I applied a few colors using watercolor and oil pastel. I went over some details with black and white charcoal pencils for the finishing touches.

Echeveria: Ink, watercolor, oil pastel, charcoal on paper. 

 * * *
Before I go, I wanted to share with you some inspiration from around the web.

1) The World Needs More Artists by Jeff Goins 

2) I've seen other Ira Glass videos, but this one is my favorite. 
The GAP by Ira Glass from frohlocke on Vimeo

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. This is just beautiful Yuko. You are being really productive!
    Btw, I love chesterfield sofas - do you have a photo of yours on the blog?

    1. Thank you! You can see the picture of the sofa in this post http://northfieldgate.blogspot.com/2014/01/craigs-list-find-faux-bamboo-tables.html I got it on craigslist, and even though the color of the leather is not exactly what I wanted, this is the most comfortable sofa I've ever owned!

  2. i like the drawing, the flowers really pop, and that little bit of color in her eyes-magical. i wondered if echeveria was a made up word, but i liked it as a name for the piece. it's evocative. it wasn't until i looked it up that i realized it was the name of the succulents you drew-clever!

    keep after it, and thanks for posting the IG video. he's amazing at his craft, and i needed his words of wisdom today.

    1. Thanks Jenn! I had a hard time coming up with the name for this piece, but I think Echeveria is quite fitting :) Ira Glass' video is so inspiring. It reminds me it takes time to really master our craft.

  3. Wow you are really talented! Your drawing is so pretty!

  4. Hey, Yuko ... I love your step by step instructions, the shading, the beauty. Your creativity unfolding is so cool!

    I hope your weekend is restful ...

    1. Thank you, Linda! I had a relaxing weekend, indeed. Hope yours was restful as well :)

  5. She is gorgeous! The color in the blooms is so deep and metallic!

    1. Thanks Stephen! The color of the blooms was really bright when I first painted them (I panicked), but the white charcoal pencil did the magic :)
