March 28, 2014

What I Learned in March

Can you believe it's already the end of March? Time sure flies when you are... having fun blogging! 

Today I'm going to share the six things I learned this month. Are you ready? Here we go!

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1. I don't seems to be able to remember my age anymore.
Ever since I turned 35, I've been having trouble remembering my age. The other day, I drew a complete blank when I was asked how old I was. I blurted out, "Ah am I 36 or 35? I can't remember," and after a moment of silence, everyone started laughing. Can you imagine when I'm 70? I'm hopeless.

2. Art = Joy. 
I finally started to follow my bliss and make art this month. I had denied this part of myself for years, only to find out that I wasn't happy. 
Striking Truths

I decided to start with what I already had and just started working. I had no idea what I was doing, so it was a little awkward at the beginning. But once got over my initial fear, what was left was sheer joy and freedom. 

I realized I didn't have to wait for a permission to create something. I didn't have to be certified to be an artist. All I had to do was to grab a pencil and start drawing, letting my passion be my guide. 

I'm planning on finishing up this artwork this weekend. I can't wait to share it here when it's completed!

3. I am an artwork in progress.
Just like the drawing is work in progress, I am a work of art myself, continuously evolving every day. I grab a paint brush and paint my day one stroke at a time. Some days, I make a bad move and try to turn the mess into something meaningful. Other days, I'd be delighted by unexpected outcomes. I'm hoping my life will be one beautiful work of art when it's completed. We'll see.

4. Coffee is not only good for drinking, but also a great medium for painting.
Now I can paint and drink coffee at the same time, preferably from separate cups.

Brown wash = strong instant coffee

5. My 5-year-old son definitely got his artistic talent from me, and he doesn't like to compromise his artistic vision.
While working on his homework yesterday, he decided to show off his newly acquired skill, drawing a skunk, which was not part of the homework, at all.

Title: "Sprayed by a skunk"

He convinced me he was going to draw a pretty butterfly flying around the goat. While I wasn't looking, he went on a mission to work on a skunk. Not just any skunk, but a spraying one

He truly is a one of a kind. He never worries about what other people might think of him. I'm so happy he is able to embrace his unique design and thrive on it.

6. I miss Michael Scott from The Office.
I recently took a survey for Emily's blog, and the last question she asked was, if your life was a TV show, it would be... I answered it would be "Friends," then immediately regretted I should've chosen "The Office" instead.

Don't you just love Michael Scott? I miss his awkwardness. I have to watch the show again this weekend for some good laughs.

Haha! Go Michael!

What did you learn this month?

And oh, more importantly, if your life was a TV show, what would it be? Share in the comment? I'd love to know!
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Today, I'm linking up with Emily at chatting at the sky for her What We Learned series.


  1. Gorgeous artwork!

    When my daughter asked her little one what she wanted for Valentine's Day, she said 'a goat.' Go figure ...

    And just wait til you reach about 55+ or so ... you REALLY will have to stop and pause just a bit to remember your current number!

    Fun to visit you here today from Emily's! Have a super weekend!

    1. Thanks Linda! It's such a fun link up. Have a lovely weekend ox

  2. Your artwork is gorgeous! I cannot draw for the life of me and am always amazed when people can create something so beautiful with their own hands and imaginations.

    I miss Michael Scott too! The Office is/was one of my favorite shows (even though I have never actually worked in an office) but it was never quite the same once Michael left.

    1. Thank you Kendra! I know - Michael really made the show, although Dwights was my favorite, too :)

  3. Here's the trick from a WISE OLD woman---do the math in your head as you paste on a "Mona Lisa" smile. You know how many years it was from your birth to 2000---then just add the number of years in this century. Only problem I now have is remembering what year it is!!!

    1. What a great idea! I will have to try this. But I'm certain that I will have trouble remembering what year it is... ;)

  4. I love your beautiful art work and your #3 - it's so true and yet so hard to keep in mind!
    Oh and I picked The Office on Emily's quiz - I work in a corporate office and I technically met my husband here at work so that makes me Pam, right? :)

    1. Thank you, Helen! And yes, you're definitely Pam. I love Pam and Jim - they're so cute together ;)

  5. Your drawings are beautiful. I admire the patience you must have to work in pencil. I'd forgotten all about The Office! Super funny. I'm going to find it on Netflix right now.

    1. Thank you Kelly! This is the first time I'm really trying to capture all the details in my drawing. It's a process! I just added The Office on Netflix. I'm having The Office party tonight :)

  6. oh yuko the remembering thing gets worse with age. i can't remember how long i've been married, how old i am or how old my sons are. i have one who is your age...i think. :)

    1. I can't remember how old my parents are, and sometimes I have to think how old my younger son is (he is only 2!) I might have to write down all those numbers on a piece of paper and carry that around with me...

  7. I can never seem to remember my age or my husband's either for that matter. Like I have to do the math every time and I'm not great at math so it takes forever! haha

    1. I'm not good at math either! I actually have to use my fingers to count years, haha!

  8. 35 is a great age! And as you get older you will have to think about it from time to time, but the older you get the less it matters how old you are - it is sometimes good to forget! :)
    Love your art - glad you are embracing it again. For Emily's survey I chose Gilmore Girls as it seemed to be the best fit of the one's she had listed. Parenthood would probably be a close second, because even though I don't have kids, the whole family dynamic seems a little bit familiar. I'd need to watch both shows more to be certain. Loved reading your list.

    1. You are right! It's good to forget how old we are sometimes! I'm so grateful I could attend "the barn" event, because a lot of things started moving forward since then. So you're a Gilmore Girls - Parenthood hybrid :) All the TV talk makes me want to watch these shows again!

  9. Glad you are giving yourself permission to create your art...lovely :)

  10. LOL, I can't remeMber how old I am either. When I want to know, I ask my husband.

    1. Great idea. But one problem with that is...does my husband remember my age?

  11. I can't wait to see the reveal of your new artwork :) I'm so happy you are putting your talent to such good use.
    Hmmm. If my life were a tv show, it would be a The Comeback on HBO. Which is miraculously coming back after 10+ years. It's the funniest show ever, ever created.

    1. The Comeback... How come I've never seen that show! I must be missing out. I'll go add that to my netflix now!

  12. When I was about 35 I got in an argument with my father about how old I was. I lost - I was wrong! Lol, I think having kids rewires your brain. Can wait to see how your latest artwork turns out - it's lovely so far. :)

    1. That's funny! It's good to know it's not that uncommon to forget our age when we're about 35. The question is... am I really 35??

  13. I'm so happy you're uncovering your inner artist!! I'll get to say "I KNOW her!!!!" :D

    1. Haha, thanks Joy! You are always an inspiration to me :)
