March 13, 2014


Yes, I'm still painting and drawing...

Practice your craft, every day. 

Practice, practice, practice...

because this is the only way you can improve your craft...

And don't forget to put yourself out there.

Share what you have with the world, even if it's not perfect.

Metamorphosis: Ink, coffee, watercolor on paper.

Have a lovely day.


  1. Once again, I love your artwork. I like the chrysalis/butterfly metaphor. And the use of coffee as color is great.

  2. lovely lovely lovely!! it's wonderful and whimsical at the same time.

  3. Thank you, everyone! I'm hopeful that it'll only get better if I keep practicing. Have a wonderful weekend! oxox

  4. You did a great job. It looks beautiful.

  5. Yuko - this is beautiful!!! You need to open an Etsy shop and sell your pieces or giclee's (see the blog Chris Love Julia -- Julia does beautiful paintings also and sells the originals as well as giclee's too, might be worth checking into!!). I so love this piece and want it LOL! :) Beautiful, just beautiful friend!!
