February 17, 2014

Friendship Vase & My Weekend Project

Isn't this vase gorgeous with white tulips? 

My friend Stephen Andrew has just sent me this beautiful marble vase. After seeing my post about the alabaster lamp, he thought I might enjoy his marble vase he actually had never used.

I've enjoyed getting to know Stephen through his blog. He is a beautiful person inside and out, and his talents and creativity are shining through what he shares on his blog. Thank you, Stephen, for such a thoughtful gift. I'm blessed to have you as my friend.

Speaking of good friends, there were some concerns regarding my previous post. I guess my goal for this blog was a bit too ambitious considering how little time I have outside of motherhood. I really appreciate your honesty and kindness (Thank you, Stephen and Gam!). After some thinking, I decided to take it easy and not to pressure myself. I've been spending too much time in front of my computer lately, anyway. I think I was anxious to let my creative side blossom, but I have to remember that my family comes first. 

This blogland is filled with so many wonderful people. I really enjoy being part of this community. 

* * *
On Saturday, I spent some time on the art project I started last week. I added a nude drawing to the coffee and tea stained paper. What do you think? 

This is an antique frame my mother-in-law picked up from a garage sale for $5. The frame was covered in dust and was quite dirty. So, I gave it a good cleaning with a damp cloth and touched up with Rub n' Buff to bring out the details of the frame. I still need to do some more repair to it, but it already looks much better than it was!

I enjoy restoring antiques, especially once beautiful pieces that have been long forgotten and left behind. I think many of those old pieces deserve a second life. 

While I was putting my artwork together, my 5-year-old was also working on his own artwork in his bedroom. He told me he was "decorating" his room. 

I wish I could be as creative as he is!

I hope you had a wonderful start to the week.


  1. goodness, dear, it's GORGEOUS! the painting, i mean. the vase is very pretty too, although i think it would be stunning with tulips that are RED (my favorite color!)

    you have quite a talent, dear. keep at it as time permits. remember, time will appear when you prioritize your time. wish i had in my teeny tiny pinky the amount of drawing ability you have.

    what i do have is the ability to write. here's my first published piece:


    1. Thanks Jenn! "Time will appear when you prioritize your time" - I have a remember that. Thank you for sharing your publication - looking forward to reading it when the boys go to sleep tonight :)

    2. I just read your article and I love this so much - every single thing about it! You truly have a gift of writing, Jenn, and you are now offering the gift to the world! I am, too, struggling to find my calling and I am an expert at running away from it. Thank you for sharing with us and I know you are going to bless many people through your writing. ox

  2. You're so sweet! I'm definitely going to accept the compliments though :) haha. I'm glad you like it...and your china cabinet is looking gorgeous! That blue and white tea set is stunning.
    Why are you just now mentioning you have such a talent in drawing?! Spectacular!
    I'm glad you're going to take the pressure off yourself about blogging. It's best to keep it as a fun outlet rather than a chore.

    1. Yes, I LOVE the vase! Thank you! Drawing is something I enjoy doing, but I have a love and hate relationship with it. The blue and white tea set is an old ironstone piece by Mason's. I love white and blue wares and can't get enough of them.

  3. Oh, such a beautiful vase and friend! The white tulips are a perfect match, and I love the framed art. You truly are talented. I love the bamboo cabinet in the background with your lovely ironstone find :)

    1. Thanks Deni! I enjoy white ironstone and recently started collecting a few pieces. I love their understated elegance.

  4. I love the artwork of children; it is so exuberant and uncontrived. It seems like your son has inherited your artistic traits. Maybe you should consider carving out some sort of studio space where you could hang out with your kids and everyone could have space to work on projects together. When my kids were little I used an old door on sawhorses as our "workshop" space. All our art supplies stayed in that area and half-finished projects could be left out.
    Stephen A has such a lovely blog reflecting a truly genuine kind soul. I'm not at all surprised he sent you such a beautiful vase.
    The nude drawing and the frame are both beautiful. You really have an eye for aesthetics and I think it's important that you carve out time in your life to think about, work on and create beauty. And, if you manage to blog along we'd all like to keep up with you. :)

    1. Carving out a studio space and some art time with the boys sounds like a great idea! My boys love creating things and I want to nurture that side of them. I also have to remember to nurture the creative side of myself as well :)
