January 29, 2014

Our TV Gallery Wall Today

Our TV gallery wall this morning.

As you can see, it is still a work in progress. This is meant to be a family picture wall.

I did all the hard work of putting the frames on the wall together, but somehow, I haven't picked out the family pictures that go in some of those frames. It's been sitting like this in the past few months. 

What's taking me so long to complete this gallery wall? 

Not enough time in the day? - Well, that's true.
Design indecision? - May be. 
Afraid of making mistakes by choosing wrong pictures? Yeah, that's more like it.

When I looked around the house today to see what I can share with you, I realized our house is full of uncompleted projects. If I waited for these projects to be perfectly completed, I'd probably never get to share them on this blog. 

I'd rather share my uncompleted projects now and show you the progress I make over time. This week, I'm going to select the pictures for the frames.

Here is another shot of the gallery wall with its TV stand. 

Our TV stand is a 75 dollar craigslist find antique mahogany buffet. I believe it's from 1920's.

Look at the pretty Chippendale-like details.

I'm going to paint this piece as soon as I decide on the paint color. I have some ideas, but I haven't decided yet. I will perhaps talk about it in the next post. 

What color would you choose to paint this buffet? 

Do you have any unfinished project that is waiting for your final touch?


  1. WHY ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT IT?!?!? it's beautiful as it is, unless i can't see the way the varnish has been damaged over time. i really wouldn't paint it. it's gorgeous.

    1. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but the finish is not in good shape. I think it'll shine even more when I put a coat of paint ;)

  2. No! Please, please, please don't paint it…let the mahogany be! The wood grain is beyond gorgeous. I cannot believe how little it cost - $75?

    1. Yes, $75! CL is the best place to shop (in my opinion) :)

  3. YES YES paint it :) it's a terrible quality of mine but 99% of the time I prefer furniture painted. However I agree that it is beautiful as it is now. I see pale grey or even pale blue-grey. But the wall looks great!

    1. Haha! I enjoy furniture both ways. I like to have at least one natural wood in a room to keep the room warm. But it's my opinion ;) ox

  4. Replies
    1. I knew somehow you were going to say that ;) ox

    2. can i explain myself? good.

      over the years i've seen so many trends come and go furniture wise. right now it's super trendy to paint everything and i just know from experience this trend will pass. unless that thing is just horrible, which from the photo it doesn't look like it. i'd keep it in its original finish. it will never go out of style. ever. again, from the photo it looks gorgeous. but i know irl things look different. so that's why i say leave it. :)

    3. Hi Janet! Yes, I cannot agree with you more! I am very careful when it comes to choosing which furniture to paint and which not to paint. Somehow the buffet looks perfect with its mahogany glory in the photos, but in reality, it's really beat up. That explains the money I paid for it. It's a big piece with all these details (which are also falling apart), so I don't see myself refinishing it with stain. I really enjoy getting advice from you, Janet. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and comment :)

  5. hi Yuko, I'm with Janet.... in 2-3 years when this "paint everything single piece of furniture in a room" phase passes the piece is going to look soooo dated and be ruined. If you look in good/high-end design magazines you don't see painted furniture all over the place, and I think it's important to think about why that is! If it's just the finish look at the product Restor-A-Finish http://www.howardproducts.com/prod-restor-a-finish.php
    I think your wall looks great!

    1. Joan! Thank you so much for your advice! Yes, I certainly don't want to have all of my furniture painted. I just thought it might be fun to paint a big piece like that buffet since it is in such rough shape ;) But you and Janet really got me thinking... I will go ahead and check out the link you gave me. Thank you!!
