December 1, 2013

Hello Blogworld! Now Let's Talk about Fear

Hello there, 

I'm Yuko and I have a confession to make.  Would you stay here for a couple of minutes while I share my story? 

I have dreams.  My dreams are rather like little pieces of desires trying to take some shapes.  There's nothing solid or great about them.  But I’ve had them slow-cooking inside for years waiting to come out.  But it never happened, and you know why? 


I have a big fat fear sitting inside of my head, pushing my dreams and passions aside.  The fear convinces me to pack up my dreams and lock them up in the basement.  "It's going to be our little secret," the fear whispers, "so nobody is going to find out about them”  It also tells me I should play it safe and call what I love doing “hobbies," so I won’t make a fool out of myself when things don’t turn out right. 

What if people laugh at me?  What if they don’t like what I do?  What if all the gifts and talents I thought I had...I actually don't have any of them?  What if... What if...

Last weekend, I gathered up all those what-ifs and headed south to attend an event called, "At theBarn," held by an inspirational writer, Emily P. Freeman and her family.  Emily talks about uncovering the shape of our soul and what makes us come alive.  She encourages us to face our fear and still move forward.  80 strangers, from all different walks of life, came together at the barn to share our stories and encourage one another.    For me, it was a life changing event.  I am forever grateful I could be there to experience the magic.  

Steve, John & Emily Freeman, and me At the Barn

After my time at the barn, I decided to pack up my fear and keep it in the basement.  I told the fear not to bother me anymore.  I told it to stop calling my passions “hobbies.”  This is my turn to tell the fear what I am doing, instead of having it dictate my life.  It still speaks loud in my ears, actually louder than ever as I type this post.  But I remind myself that's the fear talking, and I immediately send it back to the basement where it belongs.   

What are my dreams, what makes me come alive, you might ask? 

There are two things I’m passionate about right now.  I love creating stories for children and illustrating them.  I also go crazy about creating a beautiful and meaningful home for our family.  I am the happiest when I’m creating something, using both my hands and imagination.  You'll be hearing some of my creative pursuits happening here at Northfield Gate. 

I also want to explore the "interior" design of who I really am here on this blog.  I want to tap deeper into what makes me come alive as I try to find joy in the every day.  It's time to uncover and embrace my own unique design, instead of pretending to be someone else.  It's like finding a thread that pulls all of my passions and dreams come together.  

I don't know where exactly I'm headed from here.  But I'm ready to take a leap of faith.  I hope you find something inspiring here too, something that speaks to you.  

image via Pinterest: leap, into the unknown!

So I'll hold my breath, and hit the publish button now.  Would you join me and see what unfolds from here?  Yes, I’m scared, but I’m doing it anyway.  Like my friend Joanne said, there's no "blog police" out there if I don't follow through, right? 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  

Is your fear holding you back from achieving your dreams and becoming who you really are?  I'd love to hear your story.


  1. So happy that you posted your first post, Yuko! This will be a beloved place where I visit to catch up with you, which we don't do enough. Unique and interesting you are without a doubt. Let it roll, girl! Yay for being the first to subscribe and very humbled to be "responsible" of this, so you say ;)

    1. Thanks for commenting Jo! Love you, and let me know if you see a blog police out there. Seriously.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement Lori! I'm so excited to see you here! ox

  3. Yuko, this is so exciting! I love hearing how the Barn event changed you and helped you pack up your fears. I love that metaphor of packing our fears. If we are honest we all have fears that we need to send packing. I will look forward to keeping up with your blog and seeing where the journey takes you.

    1. Thank you so much, Teresa, for your kind comment. I'm so grateful you took a moment to read my post! I thought it won't be as scary to face our fear if we know other people have that too :)

  4. Go, Yuko!!! SO proud of you!!! Clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    P.S. I'm standing. :)

    1. Hahaha, Joy! You are the best! Thank you so much for leaving your comment :)

  5. Congratulations Yuko! Way to slap fear in the face!---Pam

    1. Hi Pam! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! ox

  6. you go, girl! say farewell to fear's a great big wet blanket, stifling creativity and squashing joy ...

    1. Thanks Linda! It's so liberating to finally let go of that big wet blanket! ox

  7. Yuko,
    I am so excited to see you finally posting on this. I look forward to seeing it grow. You will inspire many people with your work!!! Love, Steve

  8. This is fantastic! Be bold and courageous, rebuke fear, and step more fully every day into the woman that you ARE.

    Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'll keep moving forward and hope you'll come back for more :) ox

  9. Much love + congratulations on taking that jump off the cliff and into the blog world, Yuko! So excited for you - and so, so happy you were able to go to The Barn. Blessings to you as you live out your passions. <3

    1. Thank you for visiting my humble blog and your encouraging words! I'm having a lot of fun with this, and I think that means something ;)

  10. I need to stop calling my passions "hobbies" too. I'll be following along.

    1. :) It's great to know other people have similar struggles too, so we can move forward together! Have a nice weekend.

  11. I am absolutely hooked on this new blog of yours now! This post sealed the deal. xo

  12. i'm subscribing. keep talking. and keep the basement door LOCKED.

    1. Great! Thanks for your comment Jenn, and it's nice meeting you here :) And the basement door is still locked ox

  13. Today is a day of discovery for me. I'm 67 yrs old and I have felt for a very long time that I have been an underachiever in life and at the same time have felt that I am standing on the edge of something wonderful. I am inspired that you are overcoming your fear and I am beginning to overcome my sense of uselessness. It's by God's design that today I found you and Emily Freeman. And He speaks to my heart that a big splash is not always what a purposeful like looks like. Thank you and God bless you.

    1. I am a firm believer that our lives are all interwoven to make one big story, and today you inspired me by sharing your story just as my story inspired you. May you be blessed with joy and peace as you uncover the unique design of who you truly are. Thank you for sharing your story and I'm looking forward to hearing more :)
