December 21, 2013

Have a wonderful weekend.

What are your plans for this weekend? 

I will be baking my all time favorite, Oatmeal Cranberry & White Chocolate Chip Cookies (This is my friend's recipe and it's divine!),

I might even try my hands on  Martha Stewart's Lemon Icebox Cookies....

image via

... just because I enjoy baking.  I always baked as a little girl, even though I've never been a big sweets eater.  But don't worry, the cookies won't be wasted.  My husband is a cookie monster and he'll gobble up every crumb that comes out of the oven.   

What's your favorite things to do during the holiday season? 

May your weekend be filled with slow moments that nourish your soul. 

If you are traveling this week, hope you have a safe trip.

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