December 6, 2013

Have a lovely weekend: My kind of holiday gift guide

What are your plans for this weekend?  

I'm cooking this butternut squash soup for dinner tonight, and have a movie night with my husband after the kids go to sleep.  Do you have any movies you would recommend?  

Are you getting tired of the holiday frenzy?  If you want to take a break from going to the mall to find the perfect holiday gifts, here is an idea: Great gifts don't have to be things.   

My husband and I have been simplifying our holiday shopping in the past few years by giving the "gifts of experience" instead of the ones wrapped with a bow.  Yes, we still give kids toys and books, but not too many.  We usually give adults some gift certificates they would actually enjoy the experienceLess time spent shopping means we have more time to do things as a family: Baking, sledding, and playing games to just to name a few. 

Courtney Carver offers her "gift" to the world by sharing her expertise on these topics on her blog, Be More With Less.  She talks about simplifying your life and really living.  Reading her blog makes you feel as if you're taking a nice quiet walk on a beach.  Would you like to take a look at her simple gift ideas?: Gift Ideas to Support Simple, Healthy, Creative Life.

I don't usually give myself a gift.  But I might consider treating myself to these simple hand crafted beauties.  Something I can really use and beautiful at the same time...

Wouldn't these gift tags make a beautiful holiday table setting? 

 Monogrammed Christmas ornaments for each family member.  
This also makes a great "baby's first Christmas" gift. 

Diptyque Baies Candle.  Someone buy this for me please?  I want to live in a heavenly scented home.  I consider this a gift of "experience," no?  

We can also give to people who really need our gifts this holiday season: Compassion International Gift Catalog.

We don't need many things to create something beautiful.  Sometimes less is more... 

image via

May your weekend be blessed with laughter, rest, and good food.   


  1. Beautiful post Yuko. I enjoyed reading it very much, especially at this time of year when we are surrounded by the commercial side of Christmas! Thank you so much for sharing my tags! x Kerry

    1. Thank you Kerry! I enjoy simplicity and don't buy many things. But when I do, I choose hand crafted pieces over mass produced products. Thank you for letting me feature your beautiful gift tags! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
      ox Yuko

  2. those place setting clay tags look like an easy DIY
